Slow Food Chefs' Alliance

Since 2023, we have been a proud member of the Slow Food Chefs’ Alliance.
Joining this project was a natural continuation of our journey, having discovered that a good part of the practices of the Alliance’s guidelines were already an established practice in our Restaurant.
From the very beginning, we have made our choices taking into account the seasonality of the raw material, the location and the possibility of reducing waste with circular cooking techniques, sous-vide cooking and advanced preservation techniques. The choice to offer our customers microfiltered water, of excellent quality, and the heat exchanger in our wood-burning fireplace allow us to reduce waste and recover/reuse resources that would otherwise be wasted.
Every year we strive to introduce an improvement, a change aimed at offering quality products with an edge, whether it is the location, a fair/fair trade project behind it or an ingredient/dish that has been somewhat forgotten.